fix digital picturesThe days of film are all but over. And back in those days, if there were special things you wanted to do to your pictures, such as lighten or darken them, or even remove blemishes, you had to spend hours in the darkroom.

But no more! Welcome to the new world of the “digital darkroom“. Right here on your computer, using software called an image editor, you can not only fix digital pictures that have problems, but you can take ordinary pictures to the next level in some very amazing ways.

In this section of the DiscoverSkills site, we offer up articles and tutorials specifically about working with your pictures and making them the best they can be.

We also encourage you to leave comments or questions in the Comment Box below the articles, or drop us an email ( if you have any ideas for future articles.

Oh, and don’t forget I also have two books that take you through all you need to know about working with digital pictures and fixing them up. CLICK HERE to read more about them.