Solar eclipse

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you of course know that around midday this coming Monday, August 21st, there will be a total solar eclipse that will be visible to a broad band of Nebraska (and other parts of the U.S.).

If you’re not directly in the path of totality, traveling to a place on the path is COMPLETELY worth it.  Trust me!

I was fortunate enough to see total eclipse that happened back in February of 1979, traveling with an astronomy group from Lincoln up to North Dakota.  It was an amazing site to see!

Although the exact time of the eclipse varies according to your location (See below for links to find the exact time at your location), the partial phase (where the moon starts moving in front of the sun) will start about 11:37 a.m. and totality (where the moon covers the sun) will be at about 1:02 p.m.

Totality will last bout 2 ½ minutes if you’re close to the center of the path, and grow progressively shorter as you move outward. In the city of Lincoln, it will last about 1 minute and 22 seconds.

A LOT has been written about the eclipse online, so rather than repeat what’s already available, I thought I would pass along what I think are the best links for learning more about what’s going to happen and how you can safely watch.


Eclipse Times and Duration


Eclipse Weather Forecast


General Eclipse Information


Watching the Eclipse Live Online


Photographing the Eclipse


My YouTube Playlists of Informative Eclipse Videos